Thursday, February 7

meditating on mark 4:35-41

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
Mark 4:39

when the moment arrives, it doesn't sneak up like a tip-toeing child or the soft splatter of rain drops. no, much more forceful, invasive. a furious storm swells with waves crashing, confronting mortality on a fishing boat at sea. yes, that is how the moment arrives. unexpectedly, fearfully, sending us into a panic without a plan. what now - ride the turbulent waves, jump ship and tread water....
did i hear that someone is sleeping through this calamity? how could that be possible!
wake! arise and see that death is clawing at our boat! certainly we will not survive this chaotic experience. do you not care?

i humbly confess with a heart that comes so short, this is my reaction - God, can you see this turmoil i am experiencing? are you slumbering through my agony? do you not care?

crashing waves, devastating winds, rising waters test the foundation. what do i grasp for, cling to with whitening knuckles - my ability, intelligence, resources, relationships, possessions? all had their time of reign, idolatry.

yet my soul aches and stirs with truth.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

maybe this will help...i will do that next...then i will try....
emptying meager assets like contents of an overturned purse. God responds, "Quiet! Be still!" focus averts from problems, fear, the doom of possibilities and stills. quiet. peace. why was that not my first response when anxiety arose? i cry out, "Father!" and He answers, always. His character is security wooing my trust. regardless of what i can reason through or understand, He is.

crashing waves, devastating winds, rising waters test this foundation and find it secure, unscathed.

He is.

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