Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.Matthew 11:28-2991. girl time with papa at our favorite annual christmas party (crafts, live music & food!)

92. running into old friends at live nativity and marveling over our savior's rescue plan
93. seeing "growing up" and "work" through a child's perspective ...excitement & anticipation!

94. healing with stitches

95. time with family

(photos: mom & dad, brother & my girls, mom-in-law & nieces with kindergirl, bro-in-law & girlfriend, mom-& sis-in-law)
96. time for crazy antics

(photos: interpretation of holiday blur, kindergirl with whipped cream on top, kitty in a drawer, big kid - little bike, cat set play by kindergirl and gentle thinker, sister balloon toss/wrestle, caricatures of us, sister reflections of christmas, mid-wrestling sisters)
97. photos by kindergirl

98. morning light in the kitchen

99. images of christmas morning ... quiet, simple & content

rest from the
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