just an ordinary weekend every mama knows.
and those weekends, they are precious.
so, today, as i look about these remnants of the weekend, gratitude flows for gifts of family and home and togetherness culminating in a messy monday.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever. Psalm 107:1
111. cozy warm beds for my little loves (all unmade)

112. organization projects started by kindergirl to benefit little sister

114. one of kindergirl's famous set designs (on her nightstand...hence the scripture cards tossed on the art table)
115. cascading books, scattered playmobil nativity pieces (yes, they are still out). yet Jesus smiles over it all, knowing this messy life i live.
116. adornment from a friday afternoon paper folding and cutting craft (paper remnants and stapler remain stacked on table, scissors on windowsill)

117. afternoon snack for little, insatiable tummies
118. my favorite cozy early-morning spot with Bibles, spirals, books & magazines.
119. our favorite catch-all table for drawing, eating (see the kashi wrapper & yogurt smears?), reading, searching, coloring, playing, and sometimes even water painting

120. drying laundry, storing coats
121. things brought in; things to take out; things to put away

122. reminders by the door: undelivered christmas present, undelivered package to homeless man
123. lovely wheat shade for bedroom privacy, recently broken and awaiting repair

this is what i have to offer on a messy monday.
and i'm more than okay with that.
all gifts.
Father, open my eyes to see Your hand in the everyday. amen.
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