Monday, February 1

when it seems like life turns into a swirling tornado list of to-dos, more-urgent-to-dos and future-to-dos, i take a deep breath and remember to lean into Him.


158. father-daughter music collaboration

159. what my kids do while they are "waiting"

a) pick their nose

b) suck their finger

160. stayin' in our jammies all day

161. everything about sugar cookies: making the dough, rolling it out, choosing just the right cookie cutters, smell of baking cookies throughout the house, mixing the right color of turquoise for icing...and, of course, decorating the cookies

162. eating decorated sugar cookies

163. kid-creations

164. hubby fires to warm our chilled toes when temperatures drop

165. skating with kindergirl and remembering how much fun it is to be a kid

166. hanging out with my best friend (preferably in the mountains)
holy experience

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