Monday, January 25

unfailing love

holy experience

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the Lord, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:10

reflecting on this verse from morning study, i breathe deeply of crazy love. how can i refrain from gratitude, knowing such a thing as this? counting 1000 Gifts...

138. truth that ushers in freedom

139. clever storybooks at bedtime ("er...umm...ahh..." said arthur decisively.)
140. weekends together

141. discovering a new park

142. tire swinging

143. homemade play-dough

144. experimenting (tie-dye cookie dough, cats)

145. creativity and the discipline it requires

146. reading and discussing with kindergirl
147. rediscovering great music
148. thrifting

149. open houses

150. celebrating potty achievements

151. celebrating good character and fruit of the spirit

152. keeping an open house (oh yes! a favorite verse resonating with me daily, for years now)

153. routines that work

154. developing consistency (building character!)

155. talking about future plans and priorities with gentle thinker (and agreeing, with laughter and smiling eyes thinking of more years like these)

156. knock-knock...neighbors, friends at the double doors

157. anticipating big changes while contentedly being okay with right here, right now

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, Your unfailing love for me will not be shaken nor Your covenant of peace be removed. You have compassion on me . Thank You, thank You, thank You.

Monday, January 18

ending this day on the right note....filtering through gratitude...

124. bedtime stories
125. tiny voice of little one "reading" to me
126. the warm peppery smell of kindergirl's forehead-hairline when she lets me pull her close for snuggles
127. two ever-so-slightly-protruding front teeth of littlest one that are so easy to brush
128. unending supply of energy generated in little bodies
129. good, strong coffee
130. welcoming hubby home after a day at the office
131-134. new cookbooks, fresh ideas, completed weekly meal plans & grocery list
135. planned & unplanned visits from friends and neighbors
136. His unlimited patience
137. opportunities to mature & grow & mess up in the company of others

Monday, January 11

another messy monday

each monday i look around this house and remember how only a few days before it was spotless, cleaned in all its crevices, a calming sanctuary for our family. then the weekend happens. four of us romping about ... cooking new recipes (dirtying loads of dishes), cutting and pasting and cutting some more (scraps fall to floor and glue remains open), filling up bathroom sinks for curious kitten paws to dip and shake (sending droplets to the far reaches of bathroom mirrors), lots of singing in the bathroom which inevitably leads to migrating toys and smears of blue toothpaste (didn't you know?), lounging on sofas (disfigured cushions, misaligned pillows), drawing and more drawing and more drawing still (papers here, papers there, papers everywhere...and the pencils? pens? crayons? yes, those too.)
just an ordinary weekend every mama knows.
and those weekends, they are precious.
so, today, as i look about these remnants of the weekend, gratitude flows for gifts of family and home and togetherness culminating in a messy monday.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever. Psalm 107:1

111. cozy warm beds for my little loves (all unmade)

112. organization projects started by kindergirl to benefit little sister
113. art table filled with assorted drawings, beginnings of homemade books, hardbound books, scripture cards, and craft sticks, and...a handmade lasso?

114. one of kindergirl's famous set designs (on her nightstand...hence the scripture cards tossed on the art table)

115. cascading books, scattered playmobil nativity pieces (yes, they are still out). yet Jesus smiles over it all, knowing this messy life i live.

116. adornment from a friday afternoon paper folding and cutting craft (paper remnants and stapler remain stacked on table, scissors on windowsill)

117. afternoon snack for little, insatiable tummies

118. my favorite cozy early-morning spot with Bibles, spirals, books & magazines.

119. our favorite catch-all table for drawing, eating (see the kashi wrapper & yogurt smears?), reading, searching, coloring, playing, and sometimes even water painting

120. drying laundry, storing coats

121. things brought in; things to take out; things to put away

122. reminders by the door: undelivered christmas present, undelivered package to homeless man

123. lovely wheat shade for bedroom privacy, recently broken and awaiting repair

this is what i have to offer on a messy monday.

and i'm more than okay with that.

all gifts.

Father, open my eyes to see Your hand in the everyday. amen.

holy experience

Monday, January 4

bounty of blessings

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. Psalm 62:5

this afternoon i sit, refreshed .. no, revived.

i was slipping away, drowning, and could not fully grasp the extent until my soul found rest. real rest. eternally grateful, my heart rejoices anew at the overflowing love He shows us daily.

our family enjoyed a whole week of uninterrupted, total togetherness. bellies aching from laughter (and too many sweets), bodies releasing tension/worry/busyness/anguish of the past months...oh, how we breathed deeply of the peace, lungs filled with air releasing slowly and completely. what a lovely, intimate blessing to experience. holding these treasures of memories in outstretched palms, i release what was and look forward to today and tomorrow and what is to come.

thinking over the past year, here are some of my favorite treasures:

101. every moment with him
102. watching the bond of sisterhood deepen and grow

103. experiencing my child reading
104. watching my baby sweet, nurturing, friendly, happy, funny and oh-so-strange
105. family trips to sea world
106. all of the ballet
107. overcoming hardship
108. knowing these moments are precious and only for a short season

109. everything having to do with summer + water

110. our family vacation to san diego

and so. much. more.

lyrics from a worship song spill from my mouth today as i reflect on the bounty of blessings in 2009...

what can i say?
what can i do?
but give You my heart, oh God,
completely to You.

holy experience